The Compassionate Leadership Accelerator Programme

"This programme as had an incredible impact on myself personally and in the work place. With the help of everything Hayley has taught me and shown me I have managed to get 2 promotions and self confidence that has improved massively."
- Hayley Cross


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The Compassionate Leadership Accelerator Programme

Together, we will remove the barriers and turn you in to a successful Compassionate Leader.


  • 6 Modules over 6 Months
  • ILM Accreditation
  • One to One Coaching
  • DISC Personality Profiling
  • Group Coaching
  • E-Learning Portal

+ £3500 worth of bonus training and resources

Only 30 Spaces Available - act fast to secure your space now!

GBP 2,997
VAT (20%) GBP 599.40
Total due GBP 3,596.40

Payment information

All transactions are secured using 256-bit encryption.


We’re so confident in this programme that there are TWO guarantees! 

90 day money back guarantee - improve your confidence or 100% money back

Get a promotion by the end of the programme - or we'll continue working with you until you do!