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How to Build a Brilliant Team

Delve into principles of business psychology that form the foundation of high-performing teams.

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How to Build a Brilliant Team

Delve into principles of business psychology that form the foundation of high-performing teams.

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Join Hayley Gillard to gain invaluable insights to apply directly within your own organisational contexts

Thursday 19th September 2024 | 4-5:30pm UK Time | Live on Zoom

Free action-packed webinar.
For current or aspiring managers of teams and departments.

The “How to Build a Brilliant Team” webinar is designed for Senior Managers seeking to enhance their team’s performance.
In this interactive one-hour webinar, you will delve into principles of business psychology that form the foundation of high-performing teams.

From understanding the critical elements that shape such teams, to practical strategies for implementation, you will gain invaluable insights to apply directly within your own organisational contexts.

By the end of this leadership development webinar, you will be able to:

  • Identify the core principles for building teams and what makes them so important
  • Apply and evaluate the core principles to your own setting
  • Define an overarching goal that will move your team towards excellence
  • Plan the next steps you/your team need to take to plug any gaps, learn any skills or connect any further.

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Elevate your leadership game

Book your free place on the webinar today and join facilitator and business psychology consultant Hayley Gillard, and a number of fellow leaders from diverse businesses and industries to elevate your leadership game.

Compassionate Leaders’ Hayley Gillard has been a well-regarded leadership development facilitator for leaders in housing, education, and a wide variety of industries for over a decade and a half.

Her varied experience and science-backed qualifications enable Hayley to help you navigate the complex challenges you’re facing across your team and organisation, and transform your leadership skills, your team and its culture.

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